Visual Techniques Course

“I also teach what we do, from the beginning. I tell the felt tip pen from tip to toe. You get to know the paper, how it coils and how it lies.

You’ll love the chalks.

I must admit: I love doing this.”

– Szilárd Strenner –

Our Next training:


Coming Soon!!!  

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What is this?

OOur participants can attain techniques at the trainings that enable them to perform their managerial, consultant, facilitator, trainer or presentation jobs in a spectacular, efficient and interactive way.

…whether one has artistic vein, or thinks it’s better not even to try to draw a stickman…


Hungarian Telekom Plc. Visual Techniques Training, Budapest, 2017.


Aims of the training

The ultimate aim of the training is to make a once well-known world accessible for our participants. We strive together to make our clients conscious users of the visual language, to enable them to animate even the over-professionalized, vacuous areas through the playfulness of drawing.

The training is an introduction to the usage of analog visual techniques. It enables people to plan and support development processes, to prepare large-scale templates and analog presentations of a high standard and also for the interactive usage thereof.

Maybe you won’t be or not even want to be a visual illustrator, but sure you want to convince people about something important day by day: that’s what preparing your first analogue presentation on the second day will be probably good for.

As trainer or facilitator, you can find yourself very often in situations where you should harmonise work, and in such cases it would be nice if everyone were at the same stage at the end of a complex, inspirational reflective process. That’s what your self-made templates will solve for you.

…and, once we’re talking profession: are you interested in coaching, or as a manager you have colleagues who need to see through and find solution for a complex issue? Imagine that here’s the drawing, the large-scale sheet and they will serve as super weapons in your hand: whether it’s individual or team consultancy, coaching, supervision, mentoring, therapy, i.e. any kind of – typically 1 on 1 –, situation based on understanding.

But can it also be that your only poster will “merely” be the welcome-poster made for the birthday party of your boss? So what then? This will also be a constructive way of stepping out of your comfort zone and inspiring others.

Besides all these, as part of the training we’ll tell you about the background of the visual facilitation, we’ll introduce to you David Sibbet, the founding father, and you’ll learn about the sources you can use when setting off to your own way of exploration.

You’ll get to know lots of new materials and tools, you’ll learn which ones can be combined and you’ll try so many hints and practices that your head will be buzzing at the end!

  • freelance and internal or corporate consultants

  • coaches

  • leaders

  • facilitators

  • trainers

  • supervisors

  • teachers / students

  • and various sorts of experts, dealing with group processes


Visual language in the everyday life: you’ll write in a more legible, calligraphic manner, use simple visual signs with more confidence: list signs, arrows, figures, „boxes”, etc. Whether you happen to draw on a napkin or on a flipchart, your notes will be more transparent, more structured, and will emphasize the substance.

Visual recording: you can practice the best-known Grafacity technique as tool for live knowledge and information-management at conferences, in consulting processes, board meetings, workshops, etc. Visual language everywhere and in large scale, where it would be a pity for words to vanish.

Facilitation with large-scale templates. You can prepare templates (structured forms, worksheets) for designed processes of facilitated individual or group processes (strategic and innovative workshops, product and process development, etc.), from A5 cards to a couple of meters long sheets.

Visual consultation: usage of analogous tools in 1 on 1 situations: coaching, consultancy, sales negotiation, etc., with the power of pictures and highlighting the essence.

Presentation: using the „medieval” tools, we won’t have any troubles with file extensions, USB’s and projectors. We deliver special experience, involve the negotiating partner, size up and present the whole picture, work with the system and leave a trace (not on the wall).



…and it’s still not everything, as these visual tools can be useful not only in the professional life, but also in many areas of our personal life: learning, conversations at home, parenting, keeping a diary, heading a family discussion, or it can come handy even when making up a creative shopping list. 

It depends only on us, in what extent do we make our lives more colourful and joyous.

Creativity is not a practice or something we take on for a few minutes for someone else’s sake, but a way of life. Our participants will attain a global language that they understood already before learning to speak. They learn not English or German, but a truly universal language. One that is understood everywhere but spoken only by a few.


Next Training:


Coming SOON!!!