Let pros help You with Your message!
Grafacity Visual Services has assisted with several hundred events, company transformation programs and exclusive conferences since its formation in 2010. In other words, we’ve spent many thousand hours in almost all sectors of business, in governmental and non-profit organizations.
Together with Hungary’s and Western Europe’s most important corporations, event organizer companies and communication agencies, we’ve worked on numerous types of small and large group events.
We work both individually (one illustrator per event) and in parallel, with often as many as a dozen illustrators (World café sort of events with parallel sections), ranging from few hour programs to several day conferences, be it in Sofia, Cologne or Birmingham.
In the course of initial consultation we get to know your aims, the participants and the background of the program, so that we can tailor our visual services accordingly and make your event successful and unforgettable.
Using our creativity and experience, we show a new level of organisational functioning to your colleagues, while we can boost the energy level of participants with the strength of palpable visual storyboards.
Our team is accustomed to prompt changes and way-out situations.

szilárd strenner
general manager,
visual practitioner
I’m Szilárd Strenner, the general manager of Grafacity Visual Services, a visual facilitator and organisational development consultant by profession. I’ve been doing trainings and leading groups since 1994. I got familiar with visual recording in 2010, and I wrote my final thesis on this topic for my OD consultant education. We set up Grafacity Visual Services and became active members of IFVP, International Forum of Visual Practitioners. I take part in nearly a thousand of hours of visual client-work independently or together with my colleagues annually. I would like to better understand how we can support the change processes with our visual means the most efficiently.
Glória Szádeczky-Kardoss
After graduating as a painter from the University of Fine Arts, I trained as a graphic designer. My greatest interests are illustrations and image design. In Grafacity’s projects I can make the best use of my drawing abilities. Playfulness, experimenting and looking for new connections are important for me both visually and conceptually. We’ve been working together with Szilárd since 2014: we facilitate events in real-time and we work on visual communication projects of our clients.
Júlia Strenner-Szekeres
program developer
I’m Júlia Strenner-Szekeres and in the company I’m responsible for product development. Building on my background as a program developer, curriculum developer and educational consultant, I am most interested in the reuse of analogue visual materials. I’m planning to work out the steps and method of transferring the ‘Big Pictures’, made together with the clients, into interactive digital materials.
We are all committed fans of the analogue, real time visual practices.
Grafacity Workshop – a Community of Practice:
We’ve been delivering trainings regularly since 2011, in order to propagate visual practices in Hungary and internationally as well. As of 2017 we’ve been meeting up monthly with our alumni and other interested people to practice the ins and outs of visual process assistance and to get to know new knacks. We work on methodology solutions and with the help of our lynx-eyed monitors we make the solutions of each of us subject to criticism.
The Grafacity Community of Practice as a group of professionals enables us to visually record of as many as 6-8 parallel processes at our clients’ events.
We’ve been Chosen by: